Acknowledgement - Jianhui Hu "BSL-2 Testing Laboratory"


Category 4 - IdeaAcknowledgement
Person/InstitutionJianhui Hu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Statement of the Jury


The idea of using fabrics for a revival of open spaces, particularly in hot and humid urban climates, like in Abu Dhabi, is as simple as courageous. It is a very straight forward approach of using textiles in combination with an available low-tech concept enabling people to use public and private outdoor spaces throughout the whole year. The idea of an urban radiative cooling membrane by using hybrid cold liquids goes further than taking a fabric just to provide shade. The jury particularly appreciates the combination of an extraordinary urban design and the use of green and sustainable energy resources. The socially sustainable way of providing public spaces beyond air-conditioned shopping malls is a real benefit and a very promising idea.

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